wtorek, 4 lutego 2014

Greetings from winter holiday

Hi kids!

How is your winter holiday? I hope it's fun!

I have another quiz for you. I visited a very nice place. Everyone speaks English there. If you guess:
* country - you get a plus
* city - you get a plus
* the place/ landmark - you get a plus (one for each picture)
* how do you know this, what helps you decide - one more plus

Good luck and have nice winter holidays!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

9 komentarzy:

  1. 1.Country-This is England.
    2.City-This is Liverpool.<----------nie jestem pewna :D
    3.Photo.1-This is ZOO.
    Photo.2-Liverpool street / street sign
    Photo.3-I don't know :D
    Photo.4-Telephone box
    1.Co mi pomogło rozpoznać: (Jeśli w ogóle dobrze)
    P1.-Zwrot ,,Don't feed the pelicans''
    P.2-Napis ,,Liverpool street''
    P4.-To ta budka,całe zdjęcie :D
    Country-Wszyscy mówią po angielsku i te budki :)

  2. Podpowiedź/ Hint!

    I took all of the photos in the same country, in the same city.

    Good luck!

    Nice try Daria but you aren't completely right.

  3. Już wiem!
    Photo3:Buckingham Palace
    Photo2: Underground

  4. Still waiting for the others and rest of the answers :)

  5. Udało mi się teraz czy nie? :)

  6. Country: England
    City: London
    1. St James Park because this is the most popular park with pelicans in England
    2. Underground because there is the mark of it (the red circle with blue stripe)
    3. Backingham Palace
    4. Red Phone Boxes (I don't know where is it exacly because there's much of the boxes in London).

    I know it because I was there too few years later.

    Greetings :-)

  7. Correct answer for photo 2 is underground station :-)

  8. Ok Girls, you get what you want.
